
診療1日目 相談 治療法と費用の説明と図示
診療2日目 精密検査(血圧・心拍数・心電図・血液検査・写真・レントゲン撮影他)
診療3日目 抜歯などの前処置や仮の歯を作る模型印象
診療4日目 診療3日目の2ヶ月後 歯槽骨造成術(静脈内鎮静法下で行います)
診療5日目 抜糸
診療6日目 診療5日目の6ヶ月後 インプラント植立術(静脈内鎮静法下で行います)
診療7日目 抜歯
診療8日目 診療7日目の3ヶ月から6ヶ月後 2次手術
診療9日目 抜歯
診療10日目 アバットメント印象
診療11日目 アバットメント連結 仮の歯(プラスチック)の固定
診療12日目 人工歯冠の印象
診療13日目 人工歯冠の固定(ジルコニアセラミック)
診療14日目 調整と経過観察
診療15日目以後 アフターケアを3ヶ月に1度行います

The implant recover to eat well and has long life. Fine and pronuciation-friendly tooth are also good characteristics.
The implants sometimes troublesome although the merits. Most serious one is loosening and this mainly come from small and loose bone.
Then we adopt the conservative way of treatment.
Typical implant treatment way is as following.

day1: inspection and examination and the operation of the guided bone regeneration
the operation is performed under intra-venus anesthesia.(You may come back home or hotel , however keep rest.)
day2: next day of day1
day3 :180days after day1
installation of dental implants under intra-venus anesthesia.(You may come back home or hotel , however keep rest.)
day4: next day of day 3
day5: 90days after day3( Mandible) or 180days after day3( Maxilla)
secondary operation(minor surgery) and taking impression
day6: 2 weeks after day5
Custom abutments connection and temporary teeth
day7: 2 weeks after day6
permanent teeth installation
day8: next day of day7
minor adjustment

We give you a figure of your own case analysis for comprehension.

